Saturday, January 01, 2005

Best Article I have Read All Year (The BitTorrent Effect)

It being the first article I have read all year it is also the worst, most grammatically correct and possibly most secretive article (lol I have no idea what a secretive article would be, but this has to be the most secretive article of the year because its the only one I have read this year).

Anyway Wired has an Article About Bram Cohen and his BitTorrent app that has revolutionised content distribution.
Honestly this is a wicked article that even makes some very interesting observations about how people watch films, and make it easier for an iMovie to be successful than any iTunes could possibly be.

In the article it mentions that Bram has Aspergers and that his condition gives him powers of concentration, but makes it hard for him to socialise.
Well I have a friend with Aspergers and these so called, powers of concentration, extend to him being fixated on tasks. At the moment with my friend, it is owning every soundtrack from Prisoner Cell Block H, and this is costing him a lot of money to get and without a job this is money he probably shouldn't be spending, but he is fixated on the task and can't see that there is anything wrong with what he is doing. So don't go thinking that Aspergers is a good thing after reading this article.
Other than that this is an exceptional read.