Monday, January 03, 2005

Macworld 2005 (Starts On The 11th)

Another year, another Macworld, and normally I don't take any notice because all the rumours always circulate around an AppleOffice suite to rival Ms Office and a more powerful hyper expensive Mac, but not this year! No this year there are rumours of an iPod that can receive satellite Radio (yawn). And a cheap Mac that will be sold without a screen. So all you closet Mac users who have always wanted a mac, but could never afford one, can finally own one.

What interests me about this new mac, is that might be capable of being liked to a television. Then it would be perfect as a HDD video recorder for my study. I have considered buying a TV card before, but that would require uninterrupted PC resources that really I don't want to share.

At the moment the best I can get at retail is a DVD and Hard Drive combo that requires programming for every recording event (like ye olde VCR) and that's yesterdays technology. What I want one that I can tell once, (to record every episode of the Simpsons I haven't seen) and then it just record the episodes as they are shown on TV (this is also yesterdays technology, but consumers have failed to realise the benefits in the UK).

If this kind of recording feature comes out-of-the-box, i will pre-order one, but as of yet all this is still rumour.