This is a list of videocasts that you can subscribe to and download free from the Internet. They don't update very often and most of them aren't very good, but it's all free.
From The Shadows
Technology show about somewhat obscure hobbies or interests you might not know about.
This show has the best content of all the others because these guys actually go places, like to a Beer factory or the Los Angeles Traffic Control Centre. My favourite one is the lightsaber episode, partly because the lightsabers the guy in the video is making himself are better than the ones you buy from a shop, but also because they interview a self proclaimed Jedis that don't sound like hippies. (Show Page)
The Broken
A code kiddie show for other code kiddies.
Best produced of all the shows here and some interesting features, like how to make your own audio cables.
Show talking about the news on Digg, which is an alternative to Slashdot.
I find this show very useless because I already read Digg anyway.
Open Alpha
Not a very good show about video games, they try, but the information content is very weak.
Hacking Defined
A show taking more of a tutorial approach, showing viewers how to hack and how certain kinds of attacks are done.
Although the tutorials show you how something is done, the instruction is very weak. This makes me wonder wither the people producing the videos know what is going on themselves.
Still not sure what macTV is, they just seem to post every Apple related video they can find, but I like it.
A drama played out on someone's desktop in chat windows. It's about a group of guys that create pirate videos and distribute them on the internet. Not good enough to get attached to, but still interesting from a clinical perspective.
If you have iTunes 4.9 then you can just click on one of the following links to subscribe to some of the shows (iTunes is great for managing podcast subscriptions).
System - Diggnation - macTV