Occasionally I will sit in the staffroom and read one of those teaching newspapers and I have to say first time I read one I thought it was a joke.
It was an article about how Roman Catholic primary school pupils, where less tolerant of other religions than the national average, and that the schools where failing to promote other religions. Duh!
Today was a cracker, apparently the Teachers Union has put together a list of 4,000 things they want sorted, and put into Labour's election manifesto. How the hell they expect to be taken seriously is beyond me. Of course number one is more money, but everybody is moaning about SATS so much, I would have though asking for the abolishment of SATS at primary school, just as Scotland and Ireland have done, would have been a more obtainable target.
There was also a stupid interpretation on the grades home tuitioned kids get. Apparently one in four kids in the UK have home tuition at some point and it says that it is a wast of time because those kids only scrape past the national average. And I think that's appalling because the paper failed to realise that people don't have extra tuition because they are GOOD at something, NO! I had tuition for my english and I bloody well needed it.