Hi there,
It's stated twice on the sign up form http://www.fileplanet.com/betacenter/wow/stress_test/
"Blizzard Entertainment and FilePlanet bring you the opportunity to participate in a one-week North American World of Warcraft closed stress test beta"
"As a North American FilePlanet subscriber you are guaranteed a space in the World of Warcraft Stress Test Beta"
As well as in the FAQ's here: http://www.fileplanet.com/betacenter/wow/stress_test/wowfaq.shtml#15
"Why is this stress test only for North America?
Due to multiple time zone and language differences, we have decided to limit the stress test participants to the United States and Canada."
Dana Bryant
Lead Accounts Support
IGN Entertainment, Inc.
No idea why she is telling me that. Maybe she thinks I am a North American customer or maybe Dana is doing drugs, I don't know, but sometimes I do wonder if people in customer service should have a cap on the number of emails they read, because I do get some of the strangest responses from costumer service people.